

5 Foods to Improve Immunity and Help You Beat COVID-19

CoronaVirus (COVID-19), notoriously known as Chinese Virus, is not stopping to create chaos across the world. This deadly disease spreads very fast from human to human. It is a novel Coronavirus which was first identified when it caused a huge outbreak in Wuhan province of China before the Chinese New Year. Even though no local transmission had been reported by China, several developed countries like Spain, Italy, USA and others are facing massive fatality rates.Β 


How does it spread?Β 

According to experts, the origin of COVID-19 is an animal source. Today, it is spreading from one person to another. The virus spreads between people who come in contact with each other. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, it spreads through respiratory droplets. There is also a chance that a person may touch any object or surface which has a virus and touches their own nose, mouth or eyes. It causes severe to mild respiratory illness in the beginning and then leads to problems in breathing, fever, and cough.Β 



There are some precautionary measures you need to take seriously to prevent infection. Governments worldwide are taking measures to close businesses and borders and restrict citizen movements.Β 

  • Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with soap and waterΒ 
  • You can also use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  • Don’t touch face and eyes all the timeΒ 
  • Cover your mouth when sneezing or coughingΒ 


Protect Your Immune SystemΒ 

Healthy lifestyle is another great defense against Coronavirus. Your immune system and every part of your body would thank you for adopting healthy living habits, such as – 

  • Eating healthy foodΒ 
  • Avoid smokingΒ 
  • Exercise properlyΒ 
  • Maintain healthy weightΒ 
  • Sleep well
  • Reduce stress


Immune System BoostersΒ 

Feed certain foods to your body to keep your immunity strong. Here are some of the best immune system boosters you can eat to keep you stronger – 


1. Citrus fruitsΒ 

Most citrus fruits contain vitamin C which helps boost the immune system. It is known to produce white blood cells which help fight infections. Here are some of the best citrus fruits to eat – 

  • OrangesΒ 
  • GrapefruitΒ 
  • TangerinesΒ 
  • LimesΒ 
  • Lemons
  • Clementine

You need vitamin C every day because your body doesn’t store or produce the same. Almost all citrus fruits have this nutrient.Β 

citrus fruit


2. Red Bell Peppers

They contain double the amount of vitamin C as citrus fruits. They are also enriched with beta carotene. Vitamin C helps in maintaining skin health. Vitamin C also helps boost healthy skin along with improving the immune system. Beta carotene keeps your skin and eyes healthy.Β 

Red Bell Peppers


3. BroccoliΒ 

It is loaded with minerals and vitamins. It has a lot of antioxidants, vitamins A, C and E, and fiber. Cook it as little as you can to keep its minerals intact. It is better to eat it raw.Β 



4. GingerΒ 

It is another vital ingredient to control inflammation and reduce inflammatory illnesses like sore throat. It also reduces nausea. It is used in a lot of desserts and ginger has some heat. It may help reduce chronic illness and has cholesterol-controlling properties.Β 



5. GarlicΒ 

Almost every cuisine contains garlic at It’s Mirchi Restaurant. It adds a bit of zing to your food and it is a great health booster. It has been well revered to fight infections. It helps control hardening of your arteries and blood pressure.Β 
